**At the time of this writing, Naturopathic Doctors are not required a license to practice in NY, OH, WV, VA, NC, GA, AL, MS, LA, AR, OK, TX, NM, WY, MT, ID, NV, SD, NE, WI, MI, NJ, RI, DE.
CA, CO, MN allows the title use for Complementary & Alternative Health Care Practitioner.
HI, WA, OR, UT, AZ, ND, KS, PA, MD, VT, NH, MA, CT, ME, AL and Washington DC require a state license/registration to practice. As for FL, TN, SC we do not claim to practice naturopathy, only that we have completed the traditional naturopathic course of study and in most states are recognized as Certified Natural Health Practitioner’s CNHP, and Naturopathic Doctor’s ND. Some clients have found it beneficial to call from their nearby state.